Know your true
human rights.
They protect the security of your person and property
and support your freedom.
They protect the security of your person and property
and support your freedom.
The CONA Project
CONA stands for the Confederation of North America.. The intention is to plan, in concept and in high level detail, the political reorganization of North America, north of the Mexican border, for the purpose of creating new states that serve the basic purpose of providing people with a sociopolitical environment that is of their choosing.
There are several instigators for the formulation of this project.
1. An ideological division has sunk deeply into the consciousness of thinking people (there are many who are and may remain oblivious). The present first-past-the post democracy results in approximately half the population having to work and live under undesirable left wing or right wing ideology, depending on which side wins an election.
2. Where the election results in a delicate balance of left and right, paralysis in the legislature can result and apparently has in the United States.
3. The character of economic activity is more similar on north-south axes than east-west. For examples: fishing, wheat farming, cattle herding. Transport and travel are easier north-south.
3. Other divisions in the population, aggravated by the prodding of left wing ideologues, have generated antagonisms between certain groups, e.g., white and black.
4. The preservation of the traditional culture and way of life constructed by the huge influx of European immigrants in previous centuries is being actively pushed aside and diminished.
5. Some issues are best addressed on a continent-basis, e.g., defense, care of the natural environment, utilization of inland waterways.
While instigators #3 and 5 have always been there, the others are tearing society apart in both Canada and the United States. With the right spark a civil war could conceivably erupt. Remember that in 1914 it only took a few gunshots by one man at two people in an open carriage to ignite World War 1. Separating incompatible factions is a proven way to avoid open conflict.
Setting up new confederate states is a logical solution for North America. Each would follow a charter that described the ideological impetus for the state government. The following preliminary list shows the basic conditions that would be specified in the charter.
Condition #1
The government will implement a design for society per socialist liberal ideology (aka social democracy) and its Woke tributary. This will require the surrender of certain fundamental rights- to be defined. Example: the sole right to control what one owns, including money.
Condition #2
The main purpose of the government is to protect rights, with rights being categorized and defined. Taxation will follow ‘quid pro quo’ philosophy. The government will eschew ideology and ban Wokism.
Condition #3
The government will protect and support groups that want to live by religious prescription except that the judiciary will not enforce religious law. Fundamental rights will be protected. The state will be divided into counties that manifest the different religious groups.
Condition #4
The state will be a homogeneous black state, excluding all other races from permanent residence.
Condition #5
The state will operate in English only and preserve the culture that was developed by immigrants from Europe. Permanent residence will require European ancestry for every applicant.
Condition #6
The state will operate in French only and preserve the culture that was developed by immigrants from France and other French speaking territories. Permanent residence will require proficiency in French for every applicant.
Condition #7
Existing state of Nunavut for Inuit people.
Other conditions may be invented in the process of developing a final project outline..
These conditions predicate seven basic states per the table below.
State Identification : A—– B —-C—– D—– E—– F—– G—– H—– I
Conditions: ……………1….. 2….. 3…..1,4… 2,4…. 1,5… 2,5.. 1,6… 7
The delineation of each state on the North America map will be determined by a computer program written for the purpose. Input information will include voting records, demographic records, locations of religious communities, and real estate contours based on assessed value of the land throughout North America. For practical reasons a state from the table above may consist of two or more parts in different parts of the continent. This will probably create new states that are a variation of the state generated by the table. For example, Condition #1 without the Woke component.
The national government will manage things that are common to all states, such as defense, the natural environment, a judiciary, and so on. It will eschew ideology and concentrate on true rights.
A very preliminary vision of the new North America at right..
Filed under: Poliitical and social comments, Uncategorized | October 26th, 2023
William Gairdner’s lengthy article “The Fallacy of Human Rights” was considerably off the mark. There are inherent rights that come from Nature in the sense that the ability of humans to reason developed from Nature and reason can generate rights by identifying linked cause and effect. For example, it is a fact and therefore an axiom that all human beings came into the world by the same indiscriminate process of Nature. Consequently, all human beings have the same basic status, which implies that no one has intrinsic authority to assault another person in any way. This deduction can be worded as a right to security of one’s person and is the first basic right. There are others, determined in the same manner, and presented in my paper “The Theory of Human Rights” that can be read at the Researchgate web site. Because such rights are developed from an axiom and discursive reasoning, like developments in mathematics and arithmetic, they are similarly absolute and therefore come before governments and their laws. Indeed, abrogation of true basic rights defines the meaning and extent of “oppressive government”.
The United Nations approach to fundamental rights was to conceive of an ideal society and compose the rights to support it- a very different approach that produced different rights. They are not universal as claimed unless they coincide with true basic rights. Articles 22 to 29 are not consistent and therefore not universal. Other organizations and governments have invented rights that are sometimes at odds with true rights and result in oppression. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is such a case because it omits the basic right to own property, with the sole right to possess and control it.
Finally, Jeremy Bentham was wrong per arguments presented in the first paragraph.
Filed under: Comments on News Stories | January 15th, 2023
Posted 2021 Dec 20 at Rebel News web site…
I have another reason for disagreeing with the Calgary mayor, and with Adam Soos (Rebel News) BTW. One true human right is that a person may set the rules of behaviour in premises that he/she/they own. The rules may limit religious symbols, including ostentatious ones like a hijab. In public premises such as schools, which are owned in common by the citizens (thru their government), the rules are set by consensus. They may limit religious symbols and attire. Bill 21 of the Quebec government therefore conforms to true human rights.
The opposition tacitly posits that the government’s role is to design society, which implies that rules may be set up for achieving a total condition in society that meets the design, irrespective of rights. The design includes the notion that a person may practice his/her religion wherever he/she is. Such a condition conflicts with true fundamental rights as described above.
Filed under: Comments on News Stories | December 20th, 2021
Robert Stephen Higgins was born into a coal-mining family in Nova Scotia but grew up mostly in Southern Ontario. In 1964 he graduated from the University of Toronto in Mechanical Engineering and began his engineering career in the aero engine and aircraft fields. This included a period at the Boeing Airplane Company in Seattle as a material stress analyst on the 747 jetliner project. Worried that aircraft design projects were too discontinuous for raising a family he moved to the power industry. Through the 1970’s he was a design and project mechanical engineer on new oil and coal-fired power stations in Canada and the USA. Much higher pay and adventure called to him in taking a project engineering position for the construction of a nuclear power station in Argentina. He remained in the Canadian nuclear power industry as a design engineer until taking early retirement in 1999. Afterwards, he completed two consultant contracts in the nuclear field, the latter taking him to South Africa to manage a mechanical engineering department on a project to design and build a demonstration pebble-bed modular reactor (nuclear) which, unfortunately, was cancelled in 2008.
Robert was not just an engineer, however, but an interested student of the whole human story. History and archaeology were fascinating subjects, but closer to home the direction in which politicians, judges, and others in positions of power were taking society was of more serious concern. A public confrontation with the president of the large company (23,000 employees) for which he worked was a tipping point. Robert suggested that the employment equity program which the president was promoting would discriminate against white males. The president replied that he did not care if it did, he was going to implement it anyway. Reflecting on this interchange afterwards, Robert concluded that employment equity programs were more about designing society than about individual rights.
After retirement, he applied his long experience with objective analysis to discover what human rights really were. His book Human Rights, What Are They Really? was published in late 2008. Returning to this effort years later, he published Governance for a New Era in 2020. Amid his own technical projects he strives to achieve recognition for his books and ideas.
In April, 2014, Robert became a member of the board of the Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa.